Tuesday, October 2, 2012


  After we touched on the subject on knowledge a little bit, I am now kind of confused as to what knowledge. But I believe that knowledge has to do somewhat with the capacity of being aware or have familiarity gained by experience. I also this knowledge is a certain understanding that you have that you refer to and base things on when you live your everyday life. More over I think in soma cases we obtain knowledge through the experiences and encounters we have with our desires. As we become aware of ourselves we become more aware of our desires and through our desires I think we can say they entail knowledge of what we do and don't like. These attributes are things that we know  for sure we do and don't like because we have encountered either a good or bad experience with and they are afterwards pinpointed in our head so when we come across it again we either avoid or comply with it.
If we can say this, i also think we can say that in some cases what satisfies our desires is something that we can know in all certainty. Most importantly I believe knowledge has a lot to do with remaining free from power and taking yourself seriously. The more you obtain awareness, the more you question reality, and the more you question reality, the more you will truly know.

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