1) The Synagogue is a place where the people meet,learn and worship.
2) In the Synagogue, men and women are separated and seated in different sections. The ark is where the Torah scrolls are kept when they are not being utilized and is located on the Eastern wall of the Synagogue. Torah scrolls contain all of Jewish law and tradition. The Ten Commandments are the laws that G-d gave to Moses. They are above the door in a Synagogue.
3) A rabbi is a Jewish teacher. To become a rabbi, a man must complete college as well as other other classes specific to the rabbi teachings. Also, he must live in Israel for at least a year in order to master the Hebrew language. A rabbi is not a clergyman because he does not have the authority or authorization to perform certain rituals. The rabbi’s job is to determine and interpret religious laws.
4) The Sabbath is observed on Saturdays as a time to devote oneself to G-d.
5) The Torah is all of Jewish law and tradition. The Talmud is the oral tradition that explains the teachings of the Torah.
6) Orthodox Jews follow the teachings of the Torah. Reform Jews believe that the Torah and their faith are constantly changing and evolving. Conservative Jews believe that Jewish laws should be able to adapt to the current time period. Zionist Jews believe that all Jews should return to the Holy Land.
7) Hebrew is the historical language of the Jews.
8) Yiddish is the language of European Jews.
9) “Mazal tov” means congratulations. “Shalom” means hello, peace, and goodbye. “Mitzva” is a precept, commandment, or a good deed done because of a religious requirement.
10) Brit Milah is when baby male Jews are circumcised. Bar/Bat Mitzvah is when a Jewish boy/girl is of the age to receive the commandments. Marriage is a natural part of Jewish life because it provides security and companionship.
11) Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year. Yom Kippur is the Jewish Day of Atonement. Hanukkah is the Festival of Rededication/ the Festival of Lights. Passover is when the Jews remember how G-d passed over their houses in Egypt.
12) I knew that Hanukkah involved lights.
13) I learned about the qualifications of rabbi's and other things specific to their culture.
14) Jews celebrate confirmation by having a ceremony.
15) Complete Jewish funeral services can take place solely at the graveside.
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