Tuesday, April 23, 2013

All Ninety-Nine Names of God

1.) The Potent: This name can be applied to God because it is a word seen as being powerful and almighty, just as God is seen. Also it can be described as something that produces powerful physical or chemical effects and God has the power and strength to perform miracles and bring upon drastic physical and chemical change all around the world. Potent also means having or exercising great power or influence.God showcases to the utmost that he is a person that has inspired and has been a great influence to billions of people. Afterall there are many people who live their lives through their influence from God.

2.) The Protector: This name can be applied to God because God is the one who always looks over us and after us. God understands to the fullest that he must must look after his people and make sure they aren't in harms way. Throughout history God has performed miracles that has stopped bad things from happening that would endanger his people.

1.) The All-Embracing: God can be described as all-embracing for many reasons. For one God is never judgmental, he never pushes someone away because of their sins and what they have done in the past, instead he accepts them with flaws and all. Also unlike many people during his time God made sure to give attention to those who were considered the poor, marginalized and lame. He never pushed anyone away because of the way they looked or they way they acted he loved and still loves all his people equally and fairly.

2.) The Vigilant: This name can also be applied to God for many reasons. Vigilant means keenly watchful to detect danger. I believe God is always watching over his people to keep them our of harms way and danger. Vigilant also means ever awake and alert and sleeplessly watching. God never gives up or takes his eye off of us he is constantly wanting us to be in a space that is productive and safe. Even though many times we turn our back on God he never does it to us.      

All of the attributes i decided to pick to describe God perfectly. This is because even though God is such a powerful being he doesn't let the capacity he witholds defer him from his purpose. He remains humane and accepts all his people no matter what flaws they have or what sins they have committed. He welcomes everyone and looks after all his people equally and gives everyone the attention they deserve.                                                                                            

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